10-Minute Methods to Develop Growth Mindset for Parents: Deepen Your Relationship with Your Ch

10-Minute Methods to Develop Growth Mindset for Parents: Deepen Your Relationship with Your Ch

Matematika tentukan keliling yang diarsir!
a. 59
b. 69
c. 79
d. 96

tolong beserta caranya!!!

tentukan keliling yang diarsir!
a. 59
b. 69
c. 79
d. 96

tolong beserta caranya!!!

Keliling Daerah yang Diarsir

= (¼ × 2Ο€r) + (¼ × 2Ο€r) + 2 (r2 - r1)

= (½ × 22/7 × 14) + (½ × 22/7 × 21) + 2 (21 - 14)

= (½ × 22 × 2) + (½ × 22 × 3) + 2 (7)

= (11 × 2) + (½ × 66) + 14

= 22 + 33 + 14

= 55 + 14

= 69 cm